50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Bali

Are you looking for a peaceful place to deepen your yoga practice? Bali Yoga School provides a range of yoga teacher training courses, including 50, 100, 200, 300, and 500-hour YTTC. It is one of the reputed yoga schools of Bali and is registered with Yoga Alliance.

Yoga Alliance

Our 50 hour yoga teacher training Bali is a short-term program designed for individuals who want to deepen their understanding and practice of yoga. Our course typically covers the fundamental principles of yoga philosophy, asana (yoga poses), pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, and basic anatomy and physiology.

At Bali Yoga School, our 50 hour training course is considered an introductory level and can serve as a starting point for those interested in pursuing further training or simply wanting to deepen their practice. Our certified yoga teachers in Bali will teach yoga dynamics and motivate you to develop a healthy foundation upon which you will establish an intense teaching practice.

Benefits: Of Our 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Bali

Our 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali offers various benefits to the learners, including:

  • Help You In Deepening Yoga Practice: A 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Bali Course provides an opportunity to deepen the yoga practice by exploring new postures, breathing techniques, and meditation practices.
  • Opportunity To Learn Yoga From Experienced Teachers: The classes are conducted by experienced and certified yoga teachers who can guide you on your journey of self-discovery and learning.
  • Enhances Your Teaching Skills: The 50 hour YTTC Bali is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to teach yoga classes. You will learn how to sequence classes, provide modifications and adjustments, and effectively communicate with your students.
  • Immersion In Balinese Culture: Bali is known for its rich culture and spirituality, which can enhance your experience of learning yoga. During the 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Bali, you can visit local temples and experience cultural practices.
  • Relaxation And Self-Time: Bali is also known for its natural beauty and relaxing environment, which can provide a peaceful setting for your training. Bali Yoga School is also located in nature's beautiful surroundings, which allows self-care and relaxation. You can explore the island's natural beauty to meet your inner self.
  • Connection With Like-Minded Community: Participating in a yoga teacher training course in Bali allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who share the same passion for yoga and personal growth. You can form lifelong connections with your fellow students and certified yoga instructors.

Why Choose Our 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Bali?

Bali is known for its stunning beaches, lush green forests, and scenic views, which make it an ideal location for a yoga teacher training course. The location of Bali Yoga School in the beautiful natural surroundings will let you experience the benefits of yoga and improve your overall well-being.

During our 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali, students will learn how to sequence and teach an introductory yoga class, develop their practice, and gain a foundational understanding of the history and philosophy of yoga. Learners will also receive guidance on teaching methodology, including adjustments and modifications from our certified yoga teachers.

We understand that cost can be a barrier for many students, which is why we strive to offer our course at an affordable price to your budget. Our 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course focuses on developing flexibility and strength. In addition, our team of experienced and certified yoga teachers will also give you knowledge about living a healthy lifestyle. Students can also participate in group discussions and self-reflection exercises to deepen their understanding of yoga.

What Will You Learn In Our 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Bali?

The 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Bali Yoga School focuses on assisting yoga teachers in deepening their knowledge of yoga and meditation. Our yoga teacher training course in Bali can be an excellent opportunity to deepen your yoga practice, learn new skills, and gain the confidence and knowledge needed to start a yoga career.

  • Basic principles and philosophy of yoga( Hatha, Ashtanga, or Vinyasa)
  • Understanding of the physical postures (asanas)
  • Basic anatomy and physiology of the body
  • Sequencing and lesson planning
  • Basic skills of teaching yoga, including communication
  • Basic techniques of breathwork (pranayama) and meditation
  • Principles of running a successful yoga business

Curriculum Of Our 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Bali

Yoga Philosophy
  • Introduction to yoga philosophy
  • History and different paths of yoga
  • Study of the Eight Limbs of Yoga and their relevance to modern yoga practice
Yoga Asana (Ashtanga, Hatha, or Vinyasa)
  • Study and practice of asanas (poses)
  • Proper alignment, modifications, and variations of yoga poses
  • Study of different styles of yoga, including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga
Anatomy And Physiology
  • Study of anatomy and physiology
  • Overview of the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems
Pranayama (Breathing Techniques)
  • Introduction to pranayama
  • Benefits of Pranayama for overall health and wellness
  • Effect of yoga posture on muscles
  • What is meditation?
  • Effects of meditation on daily life
Mantra Chanting
  • Mantra and its significance
  • The proper way of chanting the Mantra
Teaching Methodology
  • Basic principles of teaching yoga
  • Group discussions

Daily Schedule For 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Bali

Course Dates 2024

Time Activity
05:00 AM Wake Up!
06:15 AM – 06:30 AM Mantra Chanting
06:30 AM – 07:30 AM Shat-kriyas & Pranayama Practices
07:30 AM – 09:00 AM Hatha Yoga (Classical)
09:00 AM – 10:00 AM Breakfast & Free Time
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Yoga Philosophy
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Karma Yoga (Seva)
01:00 PM – 02:30 PM Lunch
02:30 PM – 04:00 PM Self-Study / Self-Practice
04:00 PM – 04:15 PM Tea Break
06:00 PM – 07:00 PM Relaxation & Meditation
07:00 PM – 08:00 PM Dinner
08:00 PM – 09:00 PM Self-Study / Free-Time
09:00 PM Go to Sleep!

Eligibility And Certification For 50- Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Bali

A 50 hour yoga teacher training course at Bali Yoga School is a beginner-level program that focuses on developing a healthy yoga practice and making you eligible for advanced-level yoga teacher training programs.

  • Our 50 hour yoga teacher training course is typically designed for individuals who have a basic understanding of yoga and are open to learning.
  • Participants should have a good level of fitness or health status.
  • Upon completion of the course, students will receive a certificate of completion or a letter of attendance, which indicates that they have completed the 50 hour yoga teacher training and met the requirements.
  • Certification requirements include attendance and participation in all course sessions and successful completion of assignments and exams.

It's important to note that a 50 hour yoga teacher training course is insufficient to become a certified yoga teacher by Yoga Alliance, as they typically require a minimum of 200 hours of training. However, a 50 hour yoga teacher training course in Bali can be a great opportunity to deepen your practice and gain basic teaching skills that serve as a stepping stone to further yoga teacher training programs.

Upcoming Dates For 50- Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Bali

Dates Shared Room Private Room Enroll Now
24-03-2024 $ 1600 USD $ 1600 USD
25-03-2024 $ 1600 USD $ 1600 USD
26-03-2024 $ 1600 USD $ 1600 USD
27-03-2024 $ 1600 USD $ 1600 USD

Refund Policy And Payment Options At Bali Yoga School

At Bali Yoga School, we aim to provide our students with affordable course fees and convenient payment methods. We accept payments in cash, credit card, and online transfer for your ease and comfort.

  • Please note that the advance payment of the course fees is non-refundable. However, in case of an emergency or unforeseen circumstances, we allow students to reschedule the start date of a yoga teacher training program.
  • We also accept cancellation requests if you need to cancel your course but note that advanced deposits will not be refunded for cancellations.

Course Fee Include

  • Three Yogic Meals and Beverages
  • Study materials (Yoga Books, Notebooks, and Pens)
  • Cleansing Kits and Japa Mala (a string of beads)
  • Half-Day Excursion
  • Course Certification

Course Fee Does Not Include

  • Travel Expenses
  • Extra stay beyond course dates
  • Laundry Services (available at additional costs)
  • Air Conditioning / Heater (available at extra charges)
  • Medical Insurance
  • Other Personal Expenses

FAQs On 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Bali

What is a 50 hour yoga teacher training course?

A 50 hour yoga teacher training course is a certification program designed for those who want to deepen their understanding and knowledge of yoga. At Bali Yoga School, this course is specifically designed to provide participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to become certified yoga teachers.

What certification will I receive after completing a 50 hour yoga teacher training course?

After completing a 50 hour yoga teacher training course, you will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate will demonstrate that you have completed the required training hours and have gained the necessary skills and knowledge to enroll in advanced-level teacher training programs.

What style of yoga is taught in a 50 hour yoga teacher training course?

Our 50 hour yoga teacher training course in Bali covers foundational aspects of yoga( Hatha, Ashtanga, or Vinyasa), such as asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, yoga philosophy, and basic anatomy and physiology. In addition, our certified yoga teachers will help you to adjust the yoga postures to experience the most significant benefits.

Can I become a certified yoga teacher after completing a 50 hour yoga teacher training course?

To become a certified yoga teacher, one should have at least a 200-hour yoga teacher training certificate. In addition, 50 hour training course certifications are not enough to register with Yoga Alliance, but it will make you eligible to enroll in advanced-level yoga teacher training courses.


What Students Are Saying About 50 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Bali

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